As to the precise nature of the blog, I'm fairly confident in the direction I'm planning on taking. You see, while writing about love and relationships and 'What I did today since I got up' can be super interesting, it's not something I'd want to make a career out of. So instead of focusing on those aspects of my life, I'll rather be spending my time, this blog space, and your attention on the things that I really love, the things that've stayed with me for as long as I can remember: my films, my books and my video games. It's a risky move to make, I'm sure in this world of blogging, vlogging, twittering, and liking on Facebook there's a lot of competition to be had, but I'm confident whosoever's drawn to the same stuff as me, will also find their way onto this webpage--and that's when you know you've got 'em by the balls.
So what'll this first blog in ages be about? I'd actually like to start with books. It seems to me that reading as a pass-time is having a hard time competing with its other, more hip and technologically advanced counterparts. Although, judging by the rising number of eBooks and the continuing evolution towards a full-on e-based lifestyle, I guess the art of reading'll survive in one way or another. But I like to keep it old-school and rely on good-old-fashioned printed paper, thank you very much.

Anyways, back to Zafon now. I can't force you to like the things I like, obviously. If I had the power to do that, such powers'd be better served in politics than in a place like this. Yet if you like a solid story, told through a captivating sense of suspense and clever writing, Zafon's your guy. A good place to start with is either the first two books of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books Trilogy, namely, Shadow of the Wind and Angel's Game (preferrably in that order) or one of his young adult novels, in which case I highly recommend The Midnight Palace. The story is set in Calcutta, a city the Gods have turned their back on (told beautifully through the story-within-the-story Shiva's Tears). Years ago, a horrible accident happened that plunged the city into chaos. In the middle of this chaos, a young man is seen running away with two babies. The man is hunted down by a powerful enemy, but the man is able to fend him off long enough to safely hide the children. The story then revolves around the two babies, their connection to the horrible accident, why this evil is after them, and what secrets lie deep beneath the Midnight Palace. In short, it's a story about friendship, bravery and sacrifice.
In any case, read it, don't read it, I'm just here to give you some suggestions and to write about the things I like--if our interests happen to collide, so be it, if they happen to overlap, all the better. So, it is ten minutes past midnight, this blog has officially been reinstated--feels good to be back, actually. Hope you enjoyed it too.