Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reality Is A Prison

Zack Snyder, well-known for delivering us masterpieces such as 300 and the utterly sublime Watchmen, has done it again. Mark your calendars kiddies, 'cause March 25 he's giving us the next best thing: Sucker Punch. The film's tagline is 'You will be unprepared' and that's exactly what we can expect from this director.

Sucker Punch is about the battles each of us fights within our own minds. It's a battle between what's real and what's imaginary. Over the years, many a novels and movies have tried to captivate this illustrous divide, but I'll bet nobody's ever approached it the way Snyder'll do it. The movie's lead is Baby Doll, played by Emily Browning (Violet Baudelaire from the Lemony Snicket movie). Baby Doll has been sent to a mental instution against her will - although that's not really remarkable, seeing as how few people get committed voluntarily. She uses her imagination to escape her darkened surroundings and gets caught up in a world where the line that separates reality from fiction. Fortunately, Baby Doll is not alone in her mental attempt to escape the world. She is aided by Rocket, Blondie, Amber and Sweet Pea, four other girls desperate to get out.

In any case, Sucker Punch promises to be an eye-popping, adrenaline-boosting, mind-blowing cinematic experience that I for one will not dare miss! For those of you who're still skeptical, check out the trailer, then get back to me.

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