Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I always try to find a general topic to center my blog around, because personally, a blog in unison looks more appealing than a ragtag collection of subjects. But apparantly, my brain isn't wired in that way. The most random of subjects pops into my head that makes me want to write something.

Usually, I've always got my iPhone in the immediate area so I can write these impulsive thoughts down, but after mistyping one too many times, I habitually throw my hands up (after I've put the little black delight down) and call the whole thing off.

Still, to give you an idea, here are some of the excerpts from that makeshift-blog:

In the city of dreams,
you get caught up in the schemes
and fall apart in the scenes
- Kevin Rudolf

I'm not who I was at seventeen,
because everytime I walked away,
I left a part of me behind
- Kevin Rudolf

A life told from the posters on her wall. A whole array of carefully and meticulously selected scraps of paper to represent nineteen years worth of living full throttle. Parties that have been visited, movies that have been seen and pictures of friends that once populated an important area of her life. Maybe they're still there, or maybe they've made room for new posters on the wall. What does she see when she looks at them?
Does she see a life well-lived or does she see nothing but missed opportunities and shattered expectations?

It's almost July, which means Summer isn't too far off. A time of -hopefully- undisturbed and unconditional peace followed by hours of around the clock doing nothing. Careless, carefree, care-ridden. It's also the perfect time to get reaquanted with forgotten treasures in your game collection. My hidden gem is 2K's BioShock, a wonderfully disturbing tale of a man who tried to create Utopia, but saw his dreams submerged by greed and corruption.

For the ignorant among us, BioShock takes place in 1960, one year after a civil war decimated Rapture, a secret underwater city founded by Andrew Ryan. The city was founded as a means to escape from the treacherous and parasitic powers that ruled across the mainland. Rapture became a beacon for freedom and independence, a world without morals, without constraints. A world where man was his own boss, a world where man didn't have to answer to anyone. Ryan's dream started out quite admirably, but he saw his ideals of a free world crushed when he discovered the greed that ran amongst the elite that populated his city. After the discovery of ADAM, a substance capable of rewriting the human genome and granting superhuman abilities, the city fell into chaos. A year later, Jack stumbles across the decaying city. That's where the game begins.

For those familiar with the game, there are those memorable moments in the game that you will always remember. Such as the first time you inject yourself with an ADAM syringe or the first time you choose to attack a Big Daddy and subsequently harvest/rescue a Little Girl.

The holidays offer a vast gallery of opportunities; from making money to fusing your ass to the couch with a remote control in one hand and a can of Red Bull in the other. As for me, July means work, work, work. I've been hired to watch children in a company day care center for one whole month. The job interview went something like this:

She: "Have you ever worked for us before?"
I: "No."
She: "Do you have a degree in first aid?"
I: "No."
She: "Do you have any experience with working with children?"
I: "Euhm, no."
She: "Okay, we'll let you know by the end of April."

Three hours later...

She: "We didn't want to keep you waiting any longer: you've got the job!"
I: "Huh? I mean, thanks!"

And that's how I got the job. Don't ask me how I'm going to get through those four weeks of juggling kids around, but I'll definitely keep you posted! First day's coming up this Thursday, so stay tuned as I corrupt Belgium's newest generation of kids!

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