Thursday, May 27, 2010

Better living through words

I often wonder what it takes to make one's dreams come true.
Does it mean spending one quarter of our lives in schools, learning other people's words by heart, but never quite learning our own?
Does it mean that we have to make compromises? Choose between two things we love? Giving one up for the sake of the other?
Even if we do all of these things, does it guarantee a happily ever after? Or is it all just make-belief?
And when we finally find our words, that perfect combination of sensibility and introspection, what's to say that's enough? Can it ever really be enough?
Is chasing dreams like trying to reach for the stars?
Or is it the trial and not the error that makes it all worth while?
Can my dreams ever come true?

"When the dust settles, that's when we can start picking up the pieces."

"We're all fools for something: money, career, family, sex, ... Somehow being a fool for life doesn't seem so ludicrous, in fact, it seems quite admirable."

I hope my words will one day mean something to someone.
I don't expect them to bring about earth-shattering consequences.
I'd settle for a gentle sparkling in their eyes, just enough to know it made a difference.
I don't know where my words will take me or if they'll even take me anywhere period.
I can't expect my words to be special or even noteworthy, after all, there are thousands of people who can write better than I ever will.
I know there will always be certain things beyond my reach and experiences that will always remain a mystery to me, but such is life, you cannot have it all.
I think I could be happy if nobody ever reads my words or if I never get published. It'd be enough for me to know I've written them down somehow, making them eternal in a way.
I guess I could settle for that. Besides, I am the writer, I can decide how I want my story to end. I get to choose whether or not it'll be an open ending or a closed one. I get to choose whether I want to wrap up all the storylines and fill in all the plot holes or whether I want to keep the ambiguity and solitude that surrounds my story.
Most of all, I just want her to read them, to see the words that I have written down so carefully, to see my life, possibly ours, through the ink presented on the page.
Maybe that way the story can have a closed ending. No plot holes or question marks.

"Words tell tales the voice cannot.
We only need to find them and write them down.
Salvation can lay within a single line of words.
I and love and you."

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