Sunday, May 2, 2010


Sometimes I feel so powerless. I feel like all this stuff around me is just happening and I can't do anything to stop it, accelerate it, or even slow it down. It seems as if it has a life of its own. The same goes for people. They live their lives, they go about their businesses and they all have a fixed agenda in mind. Sometimes it's possible to break through their routine and change it, but most of the time, people will do what they want, when they want it. That's the downside of living in a well-fare state at the beginning of the 21th century. You can get anything from anywhere. Contact anybody you want in a heartbeat (or via six degrees of separation). The world has become a marketplace. We order what we want, when we want it and in the exact quantity that we prefer. Anything that doesn't interest us, we cast aside. Sadly, this can also be applied to people.

Even though we're all so connected and so close to one another, we rarely make that true connection, that bond that lasts a lifetime. Only a few people that cross our paths are granted this precious gift. In that instant, when eyes meet and smiles are exchanged, a symbiotic relationship is formed where one cannot think of life without the other person. When one person is sad, the other will be too irrevocably. Some might attribute this to sience, others to hocus pocus or plain coincidence, but I believe that there is a reason that two people meet. Maybe we meet them so that we can one day help them with a problem they cannot possibly deal with alone. Or maybe the other person met us, so that he or she could help us someday.

Today I was talking to my best friend and she was down. A year ago, we lived in the same city, now I'm 100 kilometers the other way. When she talked to me about how she was feeling, I was breaking up inside. My best friend was hurting, and I was here. Powerless to aid her, powerless to comfort her. I can only hope that with those few kind words and lots of smileys - that somehow never quite seem to grasp the right emotion - I was able to help her somewhat. I do believe that I met her for a reason, I know this for sure because every time I see her again, my heart skips a beat and I've never felt happier. She can bring a smile to my face when I need it and give me comfort, I only hope I was able to help her now, since now she needed my help. That's the thing about technology, we might be more connected in cyberspace, but we're becoming more and more disconnected in real life.

Honey, if you're reading this, I hope your doing a little bit better now, and know that I am always here for you. You really are the girl with the connection, never forget that. I cannot imagine life without you.


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