Monday, October 4, 2010

The best of times

College. A time of wreckless partying, experimenting, flirting, drinking, meeting new friends, forging destinies and of course the occassional studying (although this part can easily be skipped, with the necessary consequences, of course).

As I was looking around my room today, I got to thinking that maybe I should clean it up a bit. I started by emptying out my bookcase and the drawers of my desk. It's funny how you can find these little treasures, tucked away under a pile of uselessness. For instance, I came across all my old documents from school, going as far back as elementary school. Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to gather all such documents in a folder. I came to a stunning conclusion: in my nineteen years on this , I've seen quite a lot of schools. Not in the least after leaving high school... 

I'll explain it by way of this nifty timetable:
- Age 3-6; Kindergarten (The "Speelkriebel" in Kessel-Lo)
- Age 6-12; Elementary school (The "Mosaic" in Kessel-Lo)
- Age 12-18; High school (The "Sacred Heart Institute" in Heverlee)

After high school, the tricky part sets in. Between 2008 and 2009, I:
- Enrolled at the Catholic University of Louvain, 1st year Bachelor Communicational Sciences
- Dropped out of the Catholic University of Louvain
- Enrolled at the University of Ghent, 1st year Bachelor Communicational Sciences

Between 2009 and 2010, I did the following:
- Enrolled at the University of Ghent, 2nd year Bachelor Communicational Sciences
- Dropped out of the University of Ghent
- Enrolled at the HUB, 1st year Applied Linguistics English-Spanish (changed to English-French)

And lastly, this year, I:
- Enrolled at the HUB, 2nd year Language and Literature Studies

So here we are, still at the HUB, not written out and not planning on it either. I guess it took me a total of three colleges, five enrollments and two dropping outs until I finally found what I wanted to do. You could see this as fickle behaviour or even downright stupid, but I guess this is just the way it was meant to be for me.

I don't regret any of my previous steps towards educational enlightenment, because I got to meet all of these amazing and different people and I got to do all of the college experiences three times over. So how can you say it's a bad thing? After all, I'm only nineteen and I've already done three different directions. It's a good thing I don't really look my age (without the beard, I might add), that way it doesn't sound/look so bad when I go over my school curriculum. In any case, people can always think of me as gifted, but when I add all of the times I dropped out, they can do the math themselves and figure out that I didn't finish any of these directions.

So, I finally found where I belong. My list of schools and colleges seems to end here. No more changing directions or changing schools. But wait, wasn't I planning on doing my Masters in Ghent?

Oh well, one more time couldn't hurt, now could it?

1 comment:

Ager said...

I've changed of school (amongst other things) a lot, going from Latin, to sciences, to biotechnical sciences, to secretary, to languages.

What has this taught me? That you don't learn almost anything at school before university, except for the basics like reading and counting, and how to be a member of society (getting up early, working, meeting deadlines, etc.).

I have no regrets of the path I've taken so far. Along the way, I learned what I like and what I'm capable of, and that's what counts (I hope).