Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life in cyberspace

Internet, it has become so vastly incorporated in our lives that it is difficult to pull away from its powerful embrace. But why do we cling on to something that is basically just ones and zeros or emptiness in cyberspace?

Studies show that within the next five years, there will be more Internet users than television viewers. Within fifty years the technological gap should become a distant memory. Six billion people all united in cyberspace, the ultimate peace treaty. A world without boundaries, without end. Nothing but endless amounts of megabytes waiting to be filled up with people's hopes, dreams, experiences, tragedies, facts of life, etcetera.

In a world where people can't seem to tear away from their ever-growing screens what happens to communication? What happens to face-to-face contact? Will it evolve into screen-to-screen or webcam-to-webcam? It would be a shame to see society devolve into a social network of digital friendships and email accounts.

Anonymity is what draws people to the world wide web. From the moment you open up the Internet you can become whoever you want to be. You can start all over again; invent the family that you never had, the friends you always wanted or the love of your life that always seemed to slip away.

Yes, the Internet undoubtedly has countless benefits, but people seem to forget that there is a world out there in between chat sessions and status-checkings. And that world doesn't care about your life in cyberspace, it will go on, with or without you. The only question is if you will even remember the world when you finally shut down your already overheated computer.

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