Friday, March 19, 2010

Random thoughts

Life is a constant ebb and flood. Some things are taken from us, while others are given back. The curious thing is that we can never know what we will lose and what will return to us someday.

A french author once wrote

"On ne s'est pas aimés au même moment"

The very thought seems unbearable; to fall in love with someone, but knowing they don't love you back - yet. A love that comes at a different point at time. A collective awareness seperated by minutes, hours or even years. Do we get that time back?

What is time? What does it mean to remember something or someone? Is it an imprint that we make for ourselves in our mind so we don't forget someone or is it something deeper, something more profound and sacred? What happens when we stop remembering?

"Not the power to remember, but its very opposite,
the power to forget is a necessary condition for our existence"

All our lives we meet people, we exchange looks, we breathe in the same air, we walk the same paths, yet we don't even know half the people we meet. They pass us by, like cities on a freeway, looking so tiny and insignifant, but holding infinitely priceless treasures within. We are disconnected, in life, in love, at work, ... Disconnection has become mundain, normal.

To some of these people we meet, we open up our hearts to. We let them in, let them savour on the lives that we have accumulated for ourselves, allow them to penetrate our thoughts, our desires, our dreams. We think we are one, but there will always be a wall, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, we will always hide something from them. Nobody can truly know everything about someone. It's who we are.

"Man is the only species who knows he is alone"

What must we do to break down these walls? Is all we need just a little bit of momentum? If so, how do we create this? How do we know if its strong enough to take down the wall? Did Sartre had it right?

"L'enfer c'est les autres"

I like to think not. I like to believe that we are all individuals, but with a certain sense of belonging. All are lost souls, gathered on an infinite sea, looking for a guiding light to shine the way. Some will only need just a flicker of its light, while others will never feel safe without it. Of course, there will always be those that prefer to sail alone, who refuse the aiding hand and trust solely in their own judgement and inner light. I can only hope that we will all reach our proper destinations - whatever they may be - and that we all find what we are looking for.

It would be a shame if we'd spend all this time on this earth and not have a thing to show for it.

"One must desire something to be alive"

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