Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My girl

First time I saw her, we were in a café.
I didn’t know her and she didn’t know me, yet it felt as if we did.

We shared glances, had the same sense of humour.
We connected. And from that point forward our lives were intertwined.
Thoughts began to coincide and somehow it seemed a perfect fit.
We never became lovers, but that wasn’t necessary, we already shared an intimacy that is mostly reserved for young lovers.
In some way I think that the lack of romance in our relationship strengthened our friendship even further.
At some point she became me and I became her.

And ever since that first meeting at the café, almost four years ago.
She is the person I see myself growing old with, growing wise with.
She is what I need when I need it and who I love when there is nobody else to love.

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