Thursday, March 11, 2010

Opportunity knocks

I've been looking for some freelance journalism for quite some time. Seems only fitting to find a creative outlet for my writing outbursts. I've thought about applying to work for Metro or another independent newspaper, maybe even something online, but so far I haven't actually done anything about it.

But now, opportunity knocks and I am going to answer it! My school is setting up a brand new newspaper and they're looking for potential writers. So I just went for it! I sent an email that sort of functioned as my job application and now I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If I manage to land the job, this could very well be my stepping stone to professional journalism or other freelance writing stuff!

It's funny how my future career has changed so drastically. When I was in kindergarten I wanted to be a lawyer - made sense at the time, because everybody kept telling me I could talk my way out of anything! A few years later I wanted to be a teacher or a dentist (apparantly, though I can't remember that). In high school my focus shifted to psychology. That's why I studied social sciences for four years. We had courses that looked like pre-psychology and pre-sociology, but I loved it, and I was good at it. So when the time came to choose my college direction, I thought it would be an easy choice, it wasn't.

I sucked at math, and I mean big time! I made it out of primary school with a 51% score, first year of high school I got 49% and I had to do summer homework and in my second year I even had to take the exam again in August. But I passed! 50.1%, but still! So when I learned that psychology had a massive ammount of statistics, I started to rethink everything. I ended up going for communicational sciences because somehow, I found myself becoming more and more attracted to writing.

Ever since I was little I would write these little stories or little texts which lacked any form of consistency or depth, but I loved it. I also enjoyed reading. It got me thinking how wonderful it must be to make a living out of writing. Going out into the world, experiencing all sorts of things and then coming back when the sun starts to go down and write about it. It seemed amazing. The more I got to think about it, the more convinced I was that I wanted to write for a living.

Whenever I go to sleep, I usually spend quite a lot of time thinking of potential stories, fictional characters and plot development so that when I get up the next morning all I want to do is write something down. I know this must sound insane, but I cannot help myself. The only problem is that I have yet to find a proper way to stick to one story and see it all the way through... But I'm quite confident I'll get there someday.

I've also been thinking about picking up a creative writing class, but the only problem is that in Belgium you can only do these in Dutch and I kinda prefer writing in English. But who knows, if I keep searching I'm bound to find something, right?

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