Monday, April 12, 2010

A Week In Milan

When somebody told me that I could go to Milan by airplane for just € 25,
I accepted without hesitation.
Even though Milan wouldn't have been my first choice
it is a well-known European city like any other, so why not go and see it?

When that same person told me we would be going with a group of about six people,
I started racking my brain for company - who to bring, who to bring?
The list was finalised.
Some wouldn't have been my first choice, but to hell with it, I'd manage - or so I thought.

The gang.

So there we were, our party of six.
We had just barely handed in our final exams,
when we were heading towards Charleroi Airport.
The flight to Milan was on time.

The hostel where we were staying.

It started with the elevator.

Do you know of any elevator that needs to be started by jumping up and down?
This one had to.
I sincerely doubt Otis would've approved...

During our stay the boiler continuously made this awful noise,
we were sure it was going to explode any day now.

On the fifth day, the power went out.
The owner came to us and immediately asked
if we had heard an explosion.
The boiler - The boiler - The boiler

Thankfully it hadn't exploded and wiped out the surrounding area - at least not yet.
Although it did mean that we didn't have any hot water for the rest of our stay.

The view from our room - Milan chique.

Don't be deceived by how good the neighbourhood looked, I can assure you,
it was a miracle that we made it out of there in one piece.

Our visit to the Duomo, THE main attraction of Milan!

Our first day there we visited the Duomo.
It was magnificent. A truly divine building.
Not so much a testament to God,
but a testament to the strength and brilliance of man.
(That's the atheist in me talking)

Me and my best friend, on top of the Duomo.

I don't think I could have survived the trip without her.
Even though we had that terrible fight,
we just gave each other some room and talked it out the next day.
That's just how we roll - we fight, we make up.

A building I saw while we were standing on the roof of the cathedral.
Don't know what it's for, but I find it just amazing to look at.

Whenever I look at it, it's as if I'm in a communist country
or some sort of dystopian future.
It's strangely otherworldly,
but I like it.

The six of us, gracefully poised on the roof of the Duomo.

The Shopping Gallery for those who don't mind to give up a month's worth of pay
for a handbag or a pair of crocodile loafers.

A beautiful fortress in the middle of a park.

We really lucked out with the weather!

Colourful drinks are a must when on vacation, can't enjoy a city without them :)
(That's my inner boozehound talking)

Lake Como, as seen from way up high.
Way up: cable kart.
Way down: by foot on a trail that screams murder and rape.

A shame the weather was foggy and drizzly,
but we still managed to enjoy ourselves just fine.
On this trip we were accompanied by two girls from England
whom we had met the day before at the hostel.

The infamous road down... Get the murder/rape reference?

In retrospect, the trip would've been better had certain people stayed at home,
but of course this is not something for me to decide.
The trip did however, teach me a valuable lesson
in terms of who to bring on vacation and who definitely not to.

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