Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2 - Getting around

Well, so much for chronology. It's now Tuesday afternoon and I shoukd be writing about what happened Monday! That's what going on vacation'll do to you! It'll make you loose track of time. But I don't really mind. This is the sort of place where you can really become disconnected from your world and see what's out there, away from all of the familiarity.

To retrace my steps, what did I do yesterday? Ah yes, I got up at a quarter to nine (after having pushed back my alarm clock twice) and had breakfast with Shana, a girl we met while we were on the bus. She's travelled with Intersoc loads of times so she knows the ins and outs of how things work around here. After breakfast, she went back to work and I got started trying to redecorate my room. I pushed the two beds together and rearranged some of my things. I had to work from 11 to half past 12, grabbed a quick lunch and then back to work until half past 2. Here's a little list of all the things I had to do:
- Wash everything they place on the rack
- Mop my little shack
- Wash the entire kitchen floor
- Clean the two 'bain maries' in the restaurant
- Scrub the kitchen furnaces
- And lastly, throw away the garbage bags

So as you can see, I've got a lot on my plate. Even if I start fifteen minutes earlier - which I've been doing in order to get a headstart on the pile of pots and pans that await me - it's always a battle to end on time.

After work was over, I changed out of my wet clothes and into something a bit more presentable. After all, not everyone at the bar had to know that I spent the last three hours scraping the most filthy of things off the aluminum. We met more people from Intersoc, some work in the restaurant, some work in the bar, but we all have one thing in common: we're all secretly craving the time when the clock strikes the hour of our release from labour!

Anyways, the second day has been quite enjoyable all in all! I'm starting to appreciate the quietness of the hotel and the ambiance that reigns throughout the corridors. Even the older people are pleasantly surprising me with their wisdom and their youthful spirit!

Stay tuned for day three! I'm going to finish my glass of ice cold water, jump into the pool and dry off under a 37 degree sun! Heavenly...

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