Thursday, October 21, 2010

You got a good thing coming

There are moments in life when all you can do is be deliriously happy because of the way everything starts to come together. Today was such a day.

I started at 10 in the morning when the booksale at our school actually had two out of the three books I needed. That's like a 66.67% success rate! A milestone, if I say so myself!

The second good thing occured three hours later when my former English teacher invited me to participate in a video for her research project. Who was I to say 'No', right? The whole thing is still hush-hush, so I can't really elaborate on the specifics, but I can tell you that there's a good chance this thing's going to go national if the research adds up.

And my third and most joyous moment happened approximately one hour ago when I opened my Inbox. Last Friday I answered a vacancy in a youngster's magazine. I added a copy of the articles I wrote for 'Den Hub', our school news paper which never saw the light of day and I wrote a little motivational speech detailing why I applied for the job.

Monday passed. Tuesday passed. Wednesday passed. I started to think CJP-magazine wasn't going to work out for me after all. That is, until I looked at my mailbox and I saw an email from CJP. My heart skipped a beat as I opened it. The second line of the mail contained all I could ever hope for: an opening in the Game section of the magazine!

I thought I was going to lose it. Here it was. Actual proof of a future in journalism. No longer the hope of turning my portfolio into a work of fiction or the distant dream of becoming a writer, but solid, viable proof that someone out there was interested in what I had to offer. I immediately responded and as of now, am reveling in the prospect of turning in my first real article. I'm definitely keeping you posted on further developments!

Then, when I thought I was done for the day, that I'd used up all of my lucky cards, a friend asked me to bartend Saturday night. How could I refuse such a thing after all the good things that happened today? Surely, I wasn't going to test Lady Luck's patience today of all days!

Signing off now, hope you all had a great Thursday too! Talk to you guys again soon!


Ager said...

Congratulations on the job! Maybe you'll be going to some cons and get some sneak previews.

Laurens said...

Thanks, for now, I gotta write a minimum of 2 articles a month, games are sent to me for review and all expenses are paid as well as some other form of compensation, I'm thinking in the same manner as freelance journalism!