Thursday, December 16, 2010

The artist formerly known as ...

Quite a few years before I ever considered blogging, I maintained a Book of Ideas as I called it. I also had a Book of Words, which contained all sorts of quotes and other comments, but that's beside the point. This Book of Ideas contained a lot of sketches and potential ideas for stories that I had. Some of these I tried writing down, but I can never seem to get past the imagining of the background, I'm not that good with storylines, apparently. Anyway, since I came across it today, I thought it'd be cool to show you what my 'artistic qualities' were before I commited myself entirely to the world of words. So, feast your eyes... 

A story I started writing about a mythical city that defied the power of the Gods
and as punishment was torn from the earth and cast into the sky.

Post-apocalyptic vision of a flooded world, where large dikes were built to keep back
the rising tides, but where cities were eventually submerged beneath the sea.

A story about a world ravaged by temporal storms. Strictly pre-production status.
One of my stories that has stayed with me the longest. I started writing it
in the last year of high school. It's about a high-tech building that's completely self-sustaining,
called the Neo-Corb building (little play on Le Corbusier, one of my favourite architects).

An idea I had of 'windows' into another reality. A reality of a natural landscape instead of
an urban one. A reality of a shattered moon (think Simon Wells' Time Machine) and our whole one.

A sci-fi approach to cities and landscaping.

A vision of earth, in the far future, where the barren surface consists of giant holes
from which floating cities emerged after the surface became inhospitable.

Another drawing of a 'window' into another reality. Okay, I think about alternative
realities quite a lot. So what?

Another blending of two realities. Partly inspired by a graphic novel of which I forgot the name.

Something I thought of while almost falling asleep, so I woke up and wrote it down.

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