Saturday, December 18, 2010

Uncharted 3 - Drake's Deception

As you might have already guessed from one of my previous blogs, I'm a huge Naughty Dog fan. It started out with Crash Bandicoot in my early years, and quickly shifted to Jak & Daxter, which I still consider to be one of the Pièces de Resistance of the PS2.

A few years ago, the boys at Naughty Dog gave us, needy and Jak & Daxter-deprived gamers, Nathan Drake. From the lushious island in Drake's Fortune, they took us to the heights of Nepal in Among Thieves.

And come Fall 2011, they'll plunge us into the scorching desert heat of the Middle East. They say water's scarse in the desert, so why can't I stop mouthwatering then?

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