Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A picture's worth a thousand words

I tried the whole graphic approach to blogging twice already -once for my trip to Milan and another for my 20th birthday party- so I thought it'd be okay if I sort of made it a recurring theme. Since I know words can't explain all and if we are to believe what Mr de Sausure says -words define themselves through other words, the difference in words is strictly arbitrary, or: there is no connection to a word and its meaning, a chair for example- we know that words don't have to. Not when we've got an iPhone with a camera. So from now on, I'll try to incorporate a more graphic (read: PHOTOgraphic) theme into this blog. Just to spice things up a bit, ay? And now, I shall return to the pressing matter at hand: My Life, 2010 AD.

The Big Daddy E made me for my birthday :-) <3 Betsy forever!

A quick glance at my bookcase...

... And a closer look at some of my personal favourites:
Jonathan Safran Foer - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Robert J. Sawyer - Flashforward
Karin Fossum - Broken
Jung Chang - Wild Swans
Audrey Niffenegger - The Time Traveler's Wife
Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Markus Zusak - The Book Thief
Carlos Ruiz Zafón - Shadow of the Wind
Stephen Baxter - Flood
Stephen King - Duma Key
Stephen King - Under the Dome

Music, always an important part in the process of growing up!

My humble collection of DMZ graphic novels,
 look it up via Wikipedia or in this blog, you won't regret it ;-)

1 comment:

Ezs said...

Betsy looks right at home <3
Take care of her!