Sunday, December 5, 2010

I'm sowwy

Dear readers,

I know I've left you somewhat out in the cold (weather pun definitely intended) with withholding this riveting blog from you for all this time. So I do feel like I owe you an explanation.

First of all, school is crazy busy at the moment. I'm writing so much papers and essays they're practically coming out of the wazoo. On top of that, as I am quite a nice guy, I also read and give feedback on other people's papers and essays. Consequently, I'm reading and writing twice as much as I should. This, in part, explains the hiatus of the past few days (or has it been a week already?).

Secondly, dear readers, I find myself at a standstill. I've been so focused on outsourcing all of my creative impulses into my essays and papers that I'm afraid the well has gone dry for this blog. Believe me when I say I wanted to write a new blog, but I didn't feel you guys deserved the half-ass attempt at writing it would've surely become.

Seeing as how I've given you a nice list of two points already, I feel the need of writing you a third, just for summary's sake, but alas, no can do. I feel like I've reached my limit yet again. And the worst part is, I've actually got quite a lot of writing to do for today. I need to finish my paper about literary criticism on the Internet, as well as revise and edit my other paper about the shift in social conventions.

Since I do feel like writing something more profound and substantial than this apologetic blog, I'll try to get the creative juices to start flowing again and maybe, just maybe, you'll find a new blog here soon. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about superheroes and the whole mythology surrounding them. Who knows, might be some Pulitzer Prize-material in there?


Yours truly

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