Monday, January 31, 2011

Neon galore!

Just came back from the movies with R. We decided on Tron Legacy. I never saw the first movie, but I am aware of its significance in the world of CGI and animation. After some hyperlinking on Wikipedia, I familiarized myself with the world of Tron and with that in mind, and the amazing trailer with music from Daft Punk, I walked through the sliding doors of the Kinepolis and met R at the registers. After some snack-hunting in the Candystore, we went upstairs, to theatre 1, but not before grabbing one of those I'm-never-going-to-go-to-another-3D-movie-ever-again 3D goggles. Yup, that's right boys and girls, 3D has become as unavoidable as getting an STD from a sleazy toilet seat!

I have to be honest when I say I approached the movie a bit sceptical, I mean, I'm all for CGI (if properly executed, that is) and I'm definitely up for a hi-tech fueled adrenaline ride, but it could all go South so very quickly. What I'm actually trying to say is that there were a lot of balls in the air and a lot would be riding on the execution of the special effects. And I'm happy to inform you that all was executed beautifully!

My first wow-moment occured pretty early on, namely with the digitalized version of the Disney logo. I know, I know, but still... It looked pretty effing awesome!

Just you wait until you've seen it all lit up in the movies and with your 3D goggles on!
Then, I was blown away by the bombastic and highly likeable soundtrack. It should come as no surprise as well that I'm downloading the soundtrack as we speak.

Absolutely electrifying...

The next thing that blows you away is your first look at The Grid (the cyberworld father Flynn has created). What follows next is a razor-sharp, high-speed, futuristic trip loaded with breathtaking environments and epilepsy-inducing neon lights. You're in for a treat! - if you're not an actual epileptic, that is.

But there are moments when all these eyepopping visuals fall subject to overkill. For instance, the fight in the bar, near the end of the movie, basically passes by in a brightly coloured blur since it's become increasingly difficult to separate the neon-suits worn by the actors from the neon backgrounds as conjured up by the computer. There's always a good chance this is all due to my slow descent towards utter blindness though - I have like, really bad eyes -, so maybe you shouldn't be too taken in by my opinions.

All in all, Tron Legacy has been a very agreeable experience! If tight flashy suits, lightcycles, perfectly executed finishing moves, Olivia Wilde and a sleek, dark, foreboding hi-tech world rocks your boat, then by all means, climb aboard! - you're in for one hell of a ride ;-) (memorable moment: my first use of a smiley in one of my blog!)

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