Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turning 20 in 20 images

Okay, so I thought I'd try a new approach. In lieu of producing an entire written blog about this weekend's festivities, I decided to post some pictures from the party. Now, I know my guests requested some privacy regarding these pictures, so I'll make sure the only really damaging pictures will be mine and mine alone.

Let's see if the old saying 'A picture says a thousand words' still stands, and if not, I stand corrected and I'll produce the written version of November 27.

Turning 20 means...

Still being able to appreciate a decent group picture

Knowing who your friends are

Not being afraid of pasting a fake mustache and goatee on your face with magic marker

Coming to regret giving a certain person access to a more permanent marker
-It's so fluffy I'm gonna die-

Just going with it from time to time

Daring to be bold in wardrobe choices

Having a group hug every now and then

Learning to recognise the Drunks and Soon-To-Be Drunks

Going a little crazy

Showing you're down with it

Honoring thy mother
-Love Mom-

Discovering new wounds that weren't there a second ago

Allowing people to give you new nicknames

Passing out after yet another wild night in your twenties

Having that threesome while 'seemingly' under the influence

Knowing how to give the perfect present to your friends

Forcing your friends to perform some manual labour every now and then

Knowing how to accentuate your friend's assets

Laying down a decent layer before consuming massive quantities of alcohol

Wearing extravagant accessories and not being afraid of a little Dare

Being so kind as to lend your friend some of your clothes


Anonymous said...

zalig lauwie! :) Zo een fotoreportage doet het hem toch wel :D!


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA gemaan grappige commentaar bij de fotokes wel :-p


Ager said...

Pictures really are worth a thousand words!