Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wanted: romance, dead or alive?

Modern-day relationships are quickly turning into devious minefields. Everywhere you look there seems to be a potential threat. There's the ex's, the lying, the secrets, the shoulda-woulda-coulda's, the slip-ups, the temptations, the greener pastures and so on and so forth. Stand too close to one and you might just get burned.

In these times where everything can be defined as loose or casual, what does that really mean? We all say we want to keep things casual, but in the end, we never do. Being casual means being okay with less than an actual relationship. People always say they stepped down from the whole White Knight or Damsel in Distress fantasy, but they forgot how endearing such a prospect really is.

Sex and the City's Charlotte York once said that women want to be rescued. I think the same goes for men. We, just like women, want to be resuced, pulled from our shells and into the light. The only problem is, finding the one who will show us the way out of our world and into reality.

In this rampant, chaotic world that we call the twenty-first century, nothing is safe anymore. There's terrorists, oil spills, burning banlieues and draining fossil fuels, but true romance seems to have already gone extinct.

I know I might seem as the last person to ever proclaim the Jane Austen type of romance, but recent events have made me see things differently. A friend of mine said to me that none of the things you have matter, if you don't have anyone to share it with. I can only hope I was able to comfort her with my words, which at the time seemed insufficient, but they were sincere. She did however, make me realize that romance still has a sway over some of us.

Her situation is not entirely unlike mine. She has the mixed emotions, the wanting-yet-hesitant looks and the romance that didn't have its supposed happy ending, so you can see how I can relate to that. The truth is, we both seem to love someone who can't (or won't) find the strength to love us back. And I think that's the worst part: the not knowing how the other person really feels.

The funny part is, that it really doesn't have to be all that complicated. It could just be as simple as boy meets girl, boy likes girl, girl likes boy back, boy and girl live happily ever after. No drama or heartache needed. So why is it so hard to find something like this? Is it truly like finding a needle in a haystack or do we just keep falling for the wrong types? Do we look love right in the eyes and then pass it by unknowingly or do our minds just complicate things for us with no apparent endgame?

I don't know if there is a straight-forward answer to this, but if there is, it's out there. Just like love is. And if that's the case, than all we have to do is look, right? Somewhere, in this vast world, with its undying potential and limitless possibilities, the answer has to be out there, just staring us in the face and us, mere inches removed, looking the other way.

Ain't life a bitch?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're really swaying me here. It's gorgeous how you can pronounce your feelings so honest and so pure. It's lovely how in these times, someone still relatively young can look at the way we handle our relationships with such a critical eye.

You're someone I could fall in love with... but I probably only dare write that because I'm going to post this anonymously. Fear of a broken heart? Another part of the shit we pull ourselves through.

Life's a bitch.