Sunday, November 21, 2010

Much ado about nothing

First of all, I'd like to thank those 10 people who've decided to follow this blog! I can't tell you what it means to me to know that you are interested in what I have to 'say'. And on that note, on to the next ten! May they have your sense of style and commitment!

Flatteries aside, I discovered this will be my 103rd post. I was a little shocked quite frankly. Didn't know I already cranked up the volume that high! Anyways, it's nice to know there's some sort of portfolio of my writing existing in cyberspace, something to look back on in a few years or maybe even a few months already.

Now, I'll be honest with you. I didn't really have a set endgame in mind for this blog. I just visited the Dashboard for a second and I saw those two numbers (10 and 103) and I thought I had to write something about that. So here I am, at 20h58, on a Sunday evening with little to no inspiration on how to continue this blog. It feels weird to end it now, so abruptly, such a literary 'coïtus interruptus', no?

20h59 now. Time flies. Tempus fugit. Always loved that saying. I first heard it in the Tomb Raider movie. You know the one I'm talking about? Angelina Jolie? Daniel Craig? The Illuminati? The Triangle of Light? Good movie, considering it was a video game adaptation. Where was I? Oh right, trying to decide where to take this blog...

Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to share some of my experiences from today? I finally got to writing my paper for Remco's course (a sort of pre-bachelor paper preparational course). I'm now up to 1500 words out of the proposed 3000 or 5000. Now bear in mind, I'm far from finished with it, so there's bound to be some more words and source references! But as of now, 21h02, my well of inspiration has run completely dry. So there seems little hope of replenishing that source later today, but all the more fun for tomorrow, I guess?

What else did I do? Oh yes, I started watching Mad Men, don't know if you guys are familiar with it, but it has proven to be a very intriguing and mysterious series. For those of you not-in-the-know, it's about this ad agency in 1960. Think foyers filled with smoke, plaid skirts, lips smothered in hooker red-lipstick, men tightly bound in suits (cufflinks included) and let's not forget the hairdos! For the men: think gel. Lot's of it! For the women: curl-a-palooza! It's hilarious to see at first, but impossible not to love.

There's something to be said about those so-called golden years after the Second World War. I wrote a short historical sketch about it for one of my essays. It was a time marked by rising optimism about stabilizing economies and growing wealth on the one hand, and on the other, a time of insecurity and dualities. The whole capitalist versus communist debate was very much alive back then. You either saluted the Stars 'n' Stripes or you were labeled a 'Red'. I don't think it was an easy time to live in, whether male or female. In some ways, the Sixities were said to be a time of liberation, but when watching Mad Men, you can't help but feel the oppressive and overall tense atmosphere. There's this whole array of social expectancies and moral paths to follow, but the characters in the series very much want to break free from this.

Don Draper, for instance, is one of these characters who refuses to be stereotyped or pushed into a box. He's married to this gorgeous blonde housewife and has the whole suburban dream down to an art: the gorgeous house in the suburbs, the lovely children, all the cigarettes he can smoke and all the whisky his liver can handle. Yet on the other hand, he has an ex-wife whom he regularly has post-conjugal visits with and another crush on his female client from a large department store. I think it's safe to say that good ol' Don here doesn't like to get strapped down. He likes to keep his options open.

But enough about Mad Men and whatever other non-sensical things I was talking about. Obviously, it's Sunday night (21h13, in case you were wondering) and you all probably have something better to do than read this tired fool's chaotic line of thought. So I'll leave it at that.

Enjoy your evening and hopefully I'll see you again tomorrow, maybe then my blog will actually have some real substance. I'm thinking, a movie review on Part 1 of The Deathly Hallows or maybe an existential piece on how I feel my youth slipping away from me as I'm inching closer and closer towards the big 2-0. But until that time...

Night y'all!


Princess said...

You should not be starting on Mad Men. However good that is. You should be starting on Torchwood. 'cause you promised me :p (I know you didn't but I like to hear/read the things I like xD)

And I just came back from my first viewing of HP7.1. Have a feeling that, just like with the other HPs, it won't be my last.

x :)

Laurens said...

You're slowly starting to become my most up-to-date reader, you know that? How're things up in Berlin anyways?

And I promise, as soon as I've seen the last 6 or 7 Mad Men episodes of season 1, I'll go out and look for Torchwood!

I just hope that -like all other great scifi series (think 4400 and Dark Angel)- it doesn't end with a hell of a cliffhanger!

And I thought HP7 P1 was pretty excellent :) So maybe I will write about that sometime soon!